St Augustines Roman Catholic Church, Leeds

Serving at the Altar

We have a keen group of youngsters who serve at the Sunday Masses at St Augustine's, and they have all developed a deeper understanding of the Mass by taking part in this way.

They are all eager to learn the different jobs that need to be done, and in doing so have learnt to work together as a team, and to take responsibility.

If your child would like to become a server, please speak to Paul or to Father. The usual stipulation is that he or she has received their first Holy Communion.

Mass Times at St Augustine's


Mass 10:00am
Mass 6:00pm (vigil)


Tues-Fri 9:00am
*weekdays subject to change - please see bulletin

Holy Days of Obligation

As Announced Please see bulletin


Every Saturday 5:30-6:00pm

Get in Touch

If there's anything that you need to know, do drop us a line using the form below.

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Father Ghebreyesus - Parish Priest at St Augustines RC Church, Leeds

St Augustine's Roman Catholic Church, Leeds

Harehills Road,
Leeds LS8 5HR
