St Augustines Roman Catholic Church, Leeds

About the website

This is the new website - we hope that you like it. It is going to evolve over the next couple of months, and we'd very much like you to take part in this evolution.

What you can do

First of all, if you find anything that you think is not working as well as it might, please let me know. That's the best way to get stuff fixed.

Secondly, what would you like to see on the site? The website is very much designed for our community so it would be very helpful if you could let me have your thoughts - you will find my email address below. It is not intended to be a site that will sit on the internet without being updated and cared for over long periods of time.

At the moment, I would particularly be grateful for any text relating to our international groups, and also for the choral roles that they fulfill in the Mass

Very shortly, you will see the following:

  • Integration with Social media
  • Links to livestreaming of Sunday Mass at the Cathedral here in Leeds
  • Some current topics that affect us and the church - for example, Ukraine, Refugees, The Pope etc

Also, although you can download the Sunday bulletins and Rotas on the site now, I am intending to include other relevant documents. Again, please let me know what you would like to see

Miles Reid

Mass Times at St Augustine's


Mass 10:00am
Mass 6:00pm (vigil)


Tues-Fri 9:00am
*weekdays subject to change - please see bulletin

Holy Days of Obligation

As Announced Please see bulletin


Every Saturday 5:30-6:00pm